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The Flinders Municipality covers 4 groups of Bass Strait islands off the north-eastern tip of Tasmania: the Furneaux, Kent, Hogan and Curtis Groups. Flinders Island has four main townships in Whitemark, Lady Barron, Emita and Killiecrankie where the majority of our population reside. The remainder of our residents live on farms throughout the centre of the Island or remote coastal properties. Whitemark is the Island’s main township with many shops and services.
The Island is well covered by the Next G network although there are a couple of places that don’t get very good reception; Palana, Killiecrankie, Pigs Head Point (near Trousers Point) & Blue Rocks. You must have a compatible Telstra Next G mobile to access the coverage. All other Next G mobiles linked to other carriers do not work on the Island. Most of the accommodation properties have land-line telephones connected and some now offer WiFi with the faster NBN network. There are also public phones at Whitemark, Lady Barron, Killiecrankie and the Whitemark Airport. Most locals use UHF radios in their cars, on their boats, and on their properties. If you require access to the Internet during your stay visit the Online Access Centre or Service Tasmania, both located in Whitemark. Both have computers with Internet access and printers for public use.
Our electricity is supplied by 4 diesel generators, which are supplemented by two wind-powered generators. Hydro Tasmania are developing the Flinders Island “Hybrid Energy Hub” with the support of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. With the construction of a single 900 kW wind turbine and 200 kW solar field, the “Hub” will be capable of displacing 60% of the annual diesel fuel used to generate electricity on Flinders Island. The system will be fully operational in 2017.
Health: Flinders Island is well serviced by a fully equipped Multi-Purpose Centre (MPC), with the Royal Flying Doctor Service for emergencies. MPC phone: (03) 6359 0200. A resident doctor (with surgery hours) services the Community, with the surgery being open 4 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday).
Ambulance: Flinders Island is serviced by two ambulances, which are run by volunteers on a roster basis.
Police: Water and land-based police service the Flinders region. To contact our local police officers phone: (03) 6359 2000 or (03) 6359 3506.
Fire Brigade: There are 6 local volunteer fire brigades.
Churches: Flinders Island has visits from a Catholic sister and Anglican Minister to tend to the needs of the Community. Churches are located at Whitemark and Lady Barron with service times advertised in the local newspaper.
Veterinary Services: The Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (DPIWE) have a resident biosecurity officer who also provides a private veterinary clinical service located at Lagoon Road, Whitemark in the DPIWE building.
Library: Linc Tasmania, located on Davies Street in Whitemark.
Service Tasmania’s one stop shop and Parks and Wildlife office.
Council Chambers and community Rose garden
Post Office (Commonwealth Bank Agent) and Bendigo Bank Agency
There is one school on Flinders Island and one on Cape Barren Island. Flinders Island District High School covers kindergarten to grade 10 and in 2017 have a roll of 93 students; Primary: 65, Secondary: 28. Short courses are offered with duration of five weeks. Some courses include woodwork, metal work, cooking, sewing, small engine service, driver education, surfing, swimming, porcelain doll making, art, and stained glass. Off-Island trips and outdoor education camps are organised biennially as an extension of the curriculum. The High School has a music programme where upper-primary and secondary students are taught both as a class and individually. The school houses a full sized gym, heated swimming pool and has an active kitchen garden programme. Free school buses operate for students.