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Flinders is an island made for adventure, offering a range of activities from kayaking, mountain biking and rock climbing, golf, bowls or clay shooting at the local sports club and RSL.
Flinders Island is a special place that offers a refreshing break from the real world. It’s a laid back lifestyle where the locals live on “island time”, which simply means you can take your time to walk on the beach, have a massage, do an art class, or just enjoy a yoga class at the foothill of Mount Strzelecki.
Being a diamond in the rough herself, it’s no surprise Flinders is home to the beautiful topaz known as the ‘Killiecrankie Diamond’. Hire a sieve and shovel from Killiecrankie Enterprises in Whitemark and who knows, you could be taking home more than just rare memories.
The most spectacular way to see the region is by air. Take a scenic trip over the bay, the islands and many shipwrecks throughout the area with one of our charter plane operators – Flinders Island Aviation. You can also charter a helicopter and pop in to one of our sister islands for lunch.