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mount chappell island

landmarks and sugarloaves

As this early map from 1911 shows, Broughams Sugarloaf has long been featured as a defined landmark on Flinders Island. Interestingly it was originally recorded as "Broughtons" (i.e. not "hams") Sugarloaf in the 1800s.

Today however the jury is definitely in on its official title. What is also of interest about its name is the label of "sugarloaf" to describe it. This makes little sense to us today, but in the 1800s when sugar was bought in conical loaves shaped a bit like ice cream cones, the label sugarloaf described a distinctive shape understood by all.

Also "Broughams Sugarloaf" sounds a lot better than "Broughams Ice Cream Cone"

The striking conical shape of the mountain results in part from it being made up of hard baked sediments, not granites as in the case of its surrounding peaks.

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